My Autograph Card Collection

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My Autograph Card Collection (10903 and growing)
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1990Card, PersonalDonMcNeal Miami Dolphins Stats
1984Card, PersonalMilesMcPherson San Diego Chargers Stats
1948Card, PersonalTomMikula Brooklyn DodgersEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1994Card, PersonalDougPelfrey Cincinnati Bengals Stats
1967Card, PersonalNolandSmith Kansas City ChiefsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
2019Card, PersonalKurtWarner St Louis RamsHOF 2017 Stats
1967Card, PersonalJoeWendryhoski New Orleans Saints Stats
2010Card, PersonalAlWistert "Ox" Michigan WolverinesCHOF 1968 Stats
1965Card, PersonalDougWoodlief Los Angeles RamsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaHerbAdderley Green Bay PackersHOF 1980 (RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaHerbAdderley Green Bay PackersHOF 1980 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaGradyAlderman Minnesota Vikings Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaGeorgeAndrie Dallas Cowboys(RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJonArnett Chicago BearsCHOF 2001 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJimBakken St Louis Cardinals(RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaTerryBarr Detroit Lions Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaDickBass Los Angeles Rams Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaMaxieBaughan Philadelphia EaglesCHOF 1988 Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaLarryBenz Atlanta Falcons(RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaRaymondBerry Baltimore ColtsHOF 1973 Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaOrdellBraase Baltimore Colts(RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaCharleyBradshaw Pittsburgh Steelers Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaJimBradshaw Pittsburgh Steelers(RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaJohnBrewer Cleveland Browns Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaRogerBrown Detroit LionsCHOF 2009 Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaRudyBukich Chicago Bears Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaRonnieBull Chicago Bears Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaDickButkus Chicago BearsHOF 1979 (RC), CHOF 1983 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaBillButler Minnesota Vikings(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaHenryCarr New York Giants(RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaBernieCasey San Francisco 49ers Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaClarenceChilds New York Giants Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaClarenceChilds New York Giants Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaMikeCiccolella New York Giants Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaFrankClarke Dallas Cowboys Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaJuniorCoffey Atlanta Falcons(RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaAngeloCoia Washington Redskins Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaMikeConnelly Dallas Cowboys Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaBobby~JoeConrad Chicago Cardinals Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaFredCox Minnesota Vikings Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaWillisCrenshaw St Louis Cardinals(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaWillisCrenshaw St Louis Cardinals(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaIrvCross Philadelphia Eagles Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaDaveCrossan Washington Redskins Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaCarrollDale Los Angeles RamsCHOF 1987 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaTommyDavis San Francisco 49ers Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaWillieDavis Green Bay PackersHOF 1981 (RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaWillieDavis Green Bay PackersHOF 1981 Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaBobDeMarco St Louis Cardinals(RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaDarrellDess New York Giants Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaMikeDitka Chicago BearsHOF 1988, CHOF 1986 Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaMikeDitka Chicago BearsHOF 1988, CHOF 1986 Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaLeonDonohue Dallas Cowboys Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaBoydDowler Green Bay Packers Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaPerry~LeeDunn Atlanta Falcons(RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaCarlEller Minnesota VikingsHOF 2004, CHOF 2006 (RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaRossFichtner Cleveland Browns(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaPaulFlatley Minnesota Vikings Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJoeFortunato Chicago Bears Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaTuckerFrederickson New York GiantsCHOF 1994 (RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaRomanGabriel Los Angeles RamsCHOF 1989 Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaRomanGabriel Los Angeles RamsCHOF 1989 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaHarryGilmer Detroit LionsCHOF 1993 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaBillGlass Cleveland BrownsCHOF 1985 Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaCharlieGogolak Washington Redskins(RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaDickGordon Chicago Bears(RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaKenGray St Louis Cardinals Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaCornellGreen Dallas Cowboys Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaErnieGreen Cleveland Browns Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaForrestGregg Green Bay PackersHOF 1977 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaEarlGros Philadelphia Eagles Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaEarlGros Philadelphia Eagles Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaDaleHackbart Minnesota Vikings(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaRickieHarris Washington Redskins(RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaWendellHarris Baltimore Colts Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaAlexHawkins Atlanta Falcons Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaRipHawkins Minnesota Vikings Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaAlvinHaymond Baltimore Colts(RC) Stats
2009Card, PhiladelphiaAlbertHaynesworth Washington Redskins Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaKingHill Philadelphia Eagles Stats
2009Card, PhiladelphiaShaunHill San Francisco 49ers Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaJerryHillebrand New York Giants Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaDickHoak Pittsburgh Steelers(RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaPaulHornung Green Bay PackersHeisman 1956, HOF 1986, CHOF 1985 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJimHouston Cleveland BrownsCHOF 2005 (RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaSamHuff New York GiantsHOF 1982, CHOF 1980 Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaGeorgeIzo Detroit Lions Stats
2009Card, PhiladelphiaD'QwellJackson Cleveland Browns Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaRoyJefferson Pittsburgh Steelers(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaCharleyJohnson St Louis CardinalsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaCharleyJohnson St Louis Cardinals Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaJohn~HenryJohnson Pittsburgh SteelersHOF 1987 Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaDeaconJones Los Angeles RamsHOF 1980 Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaHomerJones New York Giants(RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaLee~RoyJordan Dallas CowboysCHOF 1983 (RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaSonnyJurgensen Washington RedskinsHOF 1983 Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaLeroyKelly Cleveland BrownsHOF 1994 (RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaBradyKeys Pittsburgh Steelers Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaLouKirouac Atlanta Falcons(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaPaulKrause Washington RedskinsHOF 1998 Stats

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