My Autograph Card Collection

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My Autograph Card Collection (10903 and growing)
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1966Card, PhiladelphiaFrankLambert Pittsburgh Steelers(RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaTomLandry Dallas CowboysHOF 1990 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaGaryLarsen New York Giants(RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaYaleLary Detroit LionsHOF 1979 Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaFrankLasky Atlanta Falcons(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaRogerLeClerc Chicago Bears Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaBobLilly Dallas CowboysHOF 1980, CHOF 1981 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaTonyLiscio Dallas Cowboys(RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaDaveLloyd Philadelphia Eagles(RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJerryLogan Baltimore Colts(RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaTonyLorick Baltimore Colts(RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaDickLynch New York Giants(RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaDickLynch New York Giants Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaJohnMackey Baltimore ColtsHOF 1992 (RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaAmosMarsh Detroit Lions Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaJimMarshall Minnesota Vikings Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaBillyMartin Atlanta Falcons(RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaTommyMason Minnesota Vikings Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaTomMatte Baltimore Colts Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaRileyMattson New Orleans Saints Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaMarlinMcKeever Los Angeles Rams Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaErnieMcMillan St Louis Cardinals Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaEdMeador Los Angeles RamsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaDaleMeinert St Louis Cardinals Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaChuckMercein New York Giants Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaDonMeredith Dallas CowboysCHOF 1982 Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaDonMeredith Dallas CowboysCHOF 1982 Stats
2009Card, PhiladelphiaZachMiller Oakland RaidersEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaBobbyMitchell Washington RedskinsHOF 1983 Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaLennyMoore Baltimore ColtsHOF 1975 Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaLennyMoore Baltimore ColtsHOF 1975 Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaTomMoore Green Bay Packers Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaEarlMorrall Detroit Lions Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJoeMorrison New York Giants(RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaJohnMorrow New Orleans Saints Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaJohnMorrow Cleveland Browns Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaHowardMudd San Francisco 49ers(RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaTommyNobis Atlanta FalconsCHOF 1981 (RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaTomNowatzke Detroit Lions(RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaMerlinOlsen Los Angeles RamsHOF 1982, CHOF 1980 (RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaJimmyOrr Baltimore Colts Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJimmyOrr Baltimore Colts Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaLukeOwens St Louis Cardinals(RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJohnPaluck Washington Redskins Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJimParker Baltimore ColtsHOF 1973, CHOF 1974 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaDaveParks San Francisco 49ersCHOF 2008 (RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaDonPerkins Dallas Cowboys Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaFloydPeters Philadelphia Eagles(RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaRichiePetitbon Chicago Bears Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaJimPrestel Minnesota Vikings Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaVincePromuto Washington Redskins Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaMikePyle Chicago Bears Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaSonnyRandle St Louis Cardinals Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaJerryRichardson Atlanta Falcons Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJimRidlon Dallas Cowboys Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaWalterRoberts Cleveland Browns Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaGeorgeRose Minnesota Vikings(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaJoeRutgens Washington Redskins Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaJohnSample Washington Redskins Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaLonnieSanders Washington Redskins Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaCharleyScales Cleveland Browns(RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaDickSchafrath Cleveland Browns Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaBobScholtz New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaSamSilas St Louis Cardinals(RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaJimSkaggs Philadelphia Eagles(RC) Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaLouSlaby New York Giants Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaBobbySmith Detroit Lions Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaGordonSmith Minnesota Vikings Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaJeffSmith New York Giants(RC) Info
1966Card, PhiladelphiaRonSmith Atlanta Falcons Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJimSteffen Washington Redskins Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaPatStudstill Detroit Lions Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaPatStudstill Detroit Lions Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaPatSummerall New York Giants Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaMiltSunde Minnesota Vikings(RC) Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaJimTaylor Green Bay PackersHOF 1976 Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaClendonThomas Pittsburgh SteelersCHOF 2011 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaSteveThurlow New York Giants(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaMickTingelhoff Minnesota VikingsHOF 2015 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJerryTubbs Dallas CowboysCHOF 1996 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaJohnnyUnitas Baltimore ColtsHOF 1979 Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaFrankVarrichione Los Angeles Rams Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaDannyVillanueva Los Angeles Rams Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaBobVogel Baltimore Colts(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaWayneWalker Detroit Lions Stats
2009Card, PhiladelphiaKevinWalter Houston Texans Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaTomWatkins Detroit Lions Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaTomWatkins Detroit Lions Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaBobWetoska Chicago Bears Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaErnieWheelwright Atlanta Falcons Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaPaulWiggin Cleveland BrownsCHOF 2005 (RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaDaveWilcox San Francisco 49ersHOF 2000 (RC) Stats
2009Card, PhiladelphiaMarioWilliams Houston Texans Stats
2009Card, PhiladelphiaPatrickWillis San Francisco 49ersHOF 2024 CHOF 2019 Stats
1966Card, Philadelphia CustomSamBall Baltimore Colts Stats
1967Card, Philadelphia CustomJimFlanigan Green Bay Packers Stats
1965Card, Philadelphia CustomBuckyPope Los Angeles Rams Stats
1967Card, Philadelphia CustomNolandSmith Kansas City Chiefs Stats
1964Card, Philadelphia CustomHerschelTurner St Louis Cardinals Stats
1966Card, Philadelphia CustomPhilVandersea Green Bay Packers Stats

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