My Autograph Card Collection

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My Autograph Card Collection (10732 and growing)
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2008Card, Score SelectKennyPhillips New York Giants(RC) Stats
2008Card, SP AuthenticKennyPhillips New York Giants(RC) Stats
2008Card, Topps ChromeKennyPhillips New York Giants(RC) Stats
1997Card, Score BoardRyanPhillips New York Giants Stats
2008Card, SP Rookie ThreadsAntonioPierce New York Giants Stats
1978Card, ToppsJoePisarcik New York Giants(RC) Stats
1948Card, BowmanRayPoole New York Giants(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsClydePowers New York Giants Stats
1953Card, BowmanEddiePrice New York Giants(RC) Stats
2013Card, CustomJustinPugh New York Giants Stats
2012Card, ContendersRuebenRandle New York Giants(RC) Stats
1994Card, ClassicThomasRandolph New York Giants Stats
1953Card, BowmanJohnRapacz New York Giants(RC) Stats
1991Card, Pro SetGaryReasons New York GiantsCHOF 1996 Stats
1981Card, ToppsBeasleyReece New York Giants Stats
1978Card, ToppsRayRhodes New York Giants Stats
1974Card, ToppsJohnRichardson New York Giants(RC) Stats
1991Card, ToppsWilliamRoberts New York Giants Stats
2012Card, ContendersAdrienRobinson New York Giants(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsJimmyRobinson New York Giants Stats
1958Card, ToppsAndyRobustelli New York GiantsHOF 1971 Stats
1989Card, SwellAndyRobustelli New York GiantsHOF 1971 Stats
1951Card, HOF SeriesAndyRobustelli New York GiantsHOF 1971 Stats
1994Card, Ted WilliamsAndyRobustelli New York GiantsHOF 1971 Stats
1956Card, Topps ReprintKyleRote New York GiantsCHOF 1964 Stats
1987Card, ToppsLeeRouson New York Giants(RC) Stats
1985Card, ToppsJeffRutledge New York Giants(RC) Stats
1987Card, Topps CustomJeromeSally New York Giants Stats
2011Card, ContendersTylerSash New York Giants(RC) Stats
2011Card, TreasuresTylerSash New York Giants(RC) Stats
1959Card, ToppsBobSchnelker New York Giants Stats
1995Card, Big LeagueEricSchubert New York Giants Stats
2011Card, ContendersDa'RelScott New York Giants(RC) Stats
2011Card, TreasuresDa'RelScott New York Giants(RC) Stats
2000Card, AutographicsJasonSehorn New York Giants Stats
2016Card, OpticSterlingShepard New York Giants(RC) Stats
2003Card, Bowmans BestVisantheShiancoe New York Giants(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsGaryShirk New York Giants(RC) Stats
2023Card, Select SMJeremyShockey New York GiantsJSA Stats
1992Card, All WorldPhilSimms New York Giants Stats
1992Card, GameDayPhilSimms New York Giants Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaLouSlaby New York Giants Stats
2023Card, Select SELSDariusSlayton New York GiantsDSL Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaJeffSmith New York Giants(RC) Info
2009Card, National ChicleSteveSmith New York Giants Stats
2007Card, SP AuthenticSteveSmith New York Giants(RC) Stats
1996Card, UD ChoicePhillippiSparks New York Giants Stats
1992Card, GameDayPhillippiSparks New York Giants(RC) Stats
2000Card, AutographicsQuintonSpotwood New York Giants Info
1942Card, TouchdownPaulStenn New York Giants Stats
1978Card, ToppsJimStienke New York Giants Stats
2000Card, AutographicsMichaelStrahan New York GiantsHOF 2014 Stats
1974Card, ImmortalKenStrong New York GiantsHOF 1967, CHOF 1957 Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaPatSummerall New York Giants Stats
1993Card, Action PackedPatSummerall New York Giants Stats
1980Card, ToppsBillyTaylor New York Giants Stats
2013Card, CustomCooperTaylor New York Giants Stats
2004Card, Bowmans BestJamaarTaylor New York Giants(RC) Stats
1992Card, GameDayLawrenceTaylor New York GiantsHOF 1999 Stats
1984Card, ToppsLawrenceTaylor New York GiantsHOF 1999 Stats
1968Card, ToppsAaronThomas New York Giants Stats
2010Card, CustomAaronThomas New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1991Card, FleerReynaThompson New York Giants Stats
1965Card, PhiladelphiaSteveThurlow New York Giants(RC) Stats
1951Card, BowmanTravisTidwell New York Giants Stats
1990Card, ScoreLewisTillman New York Giants Stats
1997Card, Leaf 8x10Y.A.Tittle New York GiantsHOF 1971 Stats
2000Card, AutographicsAmaniToomer New York Giants Stats
2023Card, Select SELSJustinTuck New York GiantsJTU Stats
1972Card, ToppsBobTucker New York Giants Stats
1974Card, ToppsBobTucker New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1974Card, ToppsBobTucker New York Giants Stats
1973Card, ToppsBobTucker New York Giants Stats
1958Card, ToppsEmlenTunnell New York GiantsHOF 1967 Stats
1990Card, ScoreOdessaTurner New York Giants Stats
2003Card, Bowmans BestDavidTyree New York Giants(RC) Stats
2003Card, Bowmans BestOsiUmenyiora New York Giants(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsDougVan Horn New York Giants Stats
1978Card, ToppsBradVan Pelt New York GiantsCHOF 2001 Stats
2003Card, Upper DeckKevinWalter New York Giants(RC) Stats
1962Card, ToppsJoeWalton New York Giants Stats
1997Card, AutographicsCharlesWay New York Giants Stats
2017Card, OpticDavisWebb New York Giants(RC) Stats
1958Card, ToppsAlexWebster New York Giants Stats
2005Card, Upper DeckCoreyWebster New York Giants Stats
1990Card, Pro SetHerbWelch New York Giants Stats
1989Card, Pro SetSheldonWhite New York Giants(RC) Stats
1992Card, GameDayCoreyWidmer New York Giants(RC) Stats
1992Card, GameDayCoreyWidmer New York Giants(RC) Stats
1957Card, Topps ReprintRayWietecha New York Giants Stats
2014Card, Topps PlatinumAndreWilliams New York Giants(RC) Stats
2014Card, ContendersAndreWilliams New York Giants(RC) Stats
1990Card, Pro SetPerryWilliams New York Giants Stats
2012Card, ContendersDavidWilson New York Giants(RC) Stats
2004Card, BowmanGibrilWilson New York Giants Stats
2008Card, SP AuthenticAndreWoodson New York Giants(RC) Stats
1974Card, ToppsWillieYoung New York Giants Stats
1958Card, ToppsWaltYowarsky New York Giants Stats
2001Card, Topps XFLMichaelBlair New York Hitman Stats
1974Card, ToppsMikeAdamle New York Jets(RC) Stats
2017Card, OpticJamalAdams New York Jets(RC) Stats
2008Card, SP AuthenticEricAinge New York Jets(RC) Stats
1982Card, ToppsDanAlexander New York Jets(RC) Stats
2014Card, Topps PlatinumJaceAmaro New York Jets(RC) Stats
2003Card, Bowmans BestB.J.Askew New York Jets(RC) Stats
1972Card, ToppsAlAtkinson New York Jets Stats
1968Card, ToppsAlAtkinson New York Jets(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsDarrellAustin New York Jets Stats
1974Card, ToppsRalphBaker New York Jets Stats
1992Card, GameDayKurtBarber New York Jets(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsJeromeBarkum New York JetsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1978Card, ToppsJeromeBarkum New York Jets Stats
2007Card, ScoreEricBarton New York Jets Stats
1976Card, ToppsCarlBarzilauskas New York Jets(RC) Stats
1992Card, GameDayBradBaxter New York Jets Stats
2000Card, Upper DeckAnthonyBecht New York Jets(RC) Stats
2020Card, OpticMehkiBecton New York Jets(RC) Stats
1975Card, ToppsEdBell New York Jets Stats
1990Card, ScoreTroyBenson New York Jets Stats
1966Card, ToppsVerlonBiggs New York Jets Stats
2005Card, ToppsDerrickBlaylock New York Jets Stats
2003Card, Bowmans BestBrooksBollinger New York Jets(RC) Stats
1970Card, ToppsEmersonBoozer New York JetsCHOF 2010 (RC) Stats
1973Card, ToppsEmersonBoozer New York JetsCHOF 2010 (TRADE) Stats
2014Card, ContendersTajBoyd New York Jets(RC) Stats
2014Card, Topps PlatinumTajhBoyd New York Jets(RC) Stats
1991Card, Upper DeckMarkBoyer New York Jets Stats
1999Card, SP SignatureKyleBrady New York JetsKB Stats
1992Card, GameDayChrisBurkett New York Jets Stats
1978Card, ToppsGregButtle New York Jets Stats
1980Card, ToppsGregButtle New York Jets Stats
1992Card, PlayoffGlennCadez New York Jets Stats
2018Card, ContendersTrentonCannon New York Jets(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsDuaneCarrell New York Jets Stats
1978Card, ToppsRichardCaster New York Jets Stats
2000Card, AutographicsWayneChrebet New York Jets Stats
2003Card, Upper DeckWayneChrebet New York JetsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1990Card, Pro SetEarlChristy New York Jets Stats
2006Card, Bowman SterlingKellenClemens New York Jets Stats
2006Card, BowmanKellenClemens New York Jets(RC) Stats
1990Card, ScoreKyleClifton New York Jets  Stats
1992Card, GameDayKyleClifton New York Jets Stats
1989Card, ToppsRobinCole New York Jets Stats
2000Card, AutographicsLaveranuesColes New York Jets Stats
2012Card, ContendersQuintonCoples New York Jets(RC) Stats
1992Card, Pro SetBruceCoslet New York Jets Stats
2004Card, Bowmans BestJerrichoCotchery New York Jets(RC) Stats
2009Card, National ChicleJerrichoCotchery New York Jets Stats
1987Card, ToppsBobCrable New York JetsCHOF 2017 (RC) Stats
1992Card, PacificJeffCriswell New York Jets Stats
1991Card, Pro SetJeffCriswell New York Jets Stats
1973Card, Topps CustomMikeD`Amato New York Jets Stats
2012Card, ContendersDeMarioDavis New York Jets(RC) Stats
2015Card, ContendersTitusDavis New York Jets(RC) Stats
1966Card, ToppsSamDeLuca New York Jets Stats
1978Card, ToppsScottDierking New York Jets(RC) Stats
1990Card, Pro SetJohnDockery New York Jets Stats
1996Card, PinnacleHughDouglas New York Jets Stats
1996Card, TraditionHughDouglas New York JetsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1992Card, GameDayIrvEatman New York Jets Stats
1978Card, ToppsJohnEbersole New York Jets Stats
1981Card, TCMARogerEllis New York Jets Stats
2000Card, DominionShaunEllis New York Jets(RC) Stats
2014Card, ContendersQuincyEnunwa New York Jets(RC) Stats
2017Card, AbsoluteQuincyEnunwa New York Jets Stats
2014Card, ContendersShaqEvans New York Jets(RC) Stats
2014Card, Topps PlatinumShaquelleEvans New York Jets(RC) Stats
1988Card, SwellWeebEwbank New York JetsHOF 1978 Coach Info
1974Card, ToppsJulianFagan New York Jets Stats
1973Card, ToppsChrisFarasopoulos New York Jets Stats
1997Card, ScoreboardJamesFarrior New York Jets(RC) Stats
1997Card, SkyboxJamesFarrior New York Jets(RC) Stats
2000Card, AutographicsChafieFields New York Jets(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsJoeFields New York Jets Stats
1996Card, ToppsGlennFoley New York Jets Stats
1994Card, Pro LineGlennFoley New York Jets(RC) Stats
1998Card, UD ChoiceScottFrost New York Jets(RC) Stats
1981Card, ToppsDerrickGaffney New York Jets Stats
1978Card, ToppsClarkGaines New York Jets Stats
1983Card, ToppsMarkGastineau New York Jets Stats
2008Card, SP AuthenticVernonGholston New York Jets(RC) Stats
1968Card, ToppsCornellGordon New York Jets(RC) Stats
2006Card, Topps TotalBenGraham New York Jets Stats
1970Card, ToppsLarryGrantham New York Jets Stats
1999Card, ToppsVictorGreen New York Jets Stats
2009Card, SP AuthenticShonnGreene New York Jets(RC) Stats
2016Card, OpticChristianHackenberg New York Jets(RC) Stats
1991Card, PacificMikeHaight New York Jets(RC) Stats
2017Card, OpticChadHansen New York JetsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
2017Card, OpticChadHansen New York Jets(RC) Stats
2002Card, ScoreAlanHarper New York Jets(RC) Stats
1983Card, ToppsBruceHarper New York JetsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1978Card, ToppsBruceHarper New York Jets(RC) Stats
2007Card, ScoreDavidHarris New York Jets(RC) Stats
2007Card, Topps TotalDavidHarris New York Jets(RC) Stats
1992Card, GameDayJamesHasty New York Jets Stats
2001Card, ToppsJamieHenderson New York Jets(RC) Stats
1968Card, Topps CustomKarlHenke New York Jets Stats
1972Card, ToppsDaveHerman New York Jets Stats
1971Card, ToppsDaveHerman New York Jets(RC) Stats

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