My Autograph Card Collection

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My Autograph Card Collection (10738 and growing)
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2003Card, Upper DeckWayneChrebet New York JetsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1990Card, Pro SetEarlChristy New York Jets Stats
2006Card, Bowman SterlingKellenClemens New York Jets Stats
2006Card, BowmanKellenClemens New York Jets(RC) Stats
1990Card, ScoreKyleClifton New York Jets  Stats
1992Card, GameDayKyleClifton New York Jets Stats
1989Card, ToppsRobinCole New York Jets Stats
2000Card, AutographicsLaveranuesColes New York Jets Stats
2012Card, ContendersQuintonCoples New York Jets(RC) Stats
1992Card, Pro SetBruceCoslet New York Jets Stats
2004Card, Bowmans BestJerrichoCotchery New York Jets(RC) Stats
2009Card, National ChicleJerrichoCotchery New York Jets Stats
1987Card, ToppsBobCrable New York JetsCHOF 2017 (RC) Stats
1992Card, PacificJeffCriswell New York Jets Stats
1991Card, Pro SetJeffCriswell New York Jets Stats
1973Card, Topps CustomMikeD`Amato New York Jets Stats
2012Card, ContendersDeMarioDavis New York Jets(RC) Stats
2015Card, ContendersTitusDavis New York Jets(RC) Stats
1966Card, ToppsSamDeLuca New York Jets Stats
1978Card, ToppsScottDierking New York Jets(RC) Stats
1990Card, Pro SetJohnDockery New York Jets Stats
1996Card, PinnacleHughDouglas New York Jets Stats
1996Card, TraditionHughDouglas New York JetsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1992Card, GameDayIrvEatman New York Jets Stats
1978Card, ToppsJohnEbersole New York Jets Stats
1981Card, TCMARogerEllis New York Jets Stats
2000Card, DominionShaunEllis New York Jets(RC) Stats
2014Card, ContendersQuincyEnunwa New York Jets(RC) Stats
2017Card, AbsoluteQuincyEnunwa New York Jets Stats
2014Card, ContendersShaqEvans New York Jets(RC) Stats
2014Card, Topps PlatinumShaquelleEvans New York Jets(RC) Stats
1988Card, SwellWeebEwbank New York JetsHOF 1978 Coach Info
1974Card, ToppsJulianFagan New York Jets Stats
1973Card, ToppsChrisFarasopoulos New York Jets Stats
1997Card, ScoreboardJamesFarrior New York Jets(RC) Stats
1997Card, SkyboxJamesFarrior New York Jets(RC) Stats
2000Card, AutographicsChafieFields New York Jets(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsJoeFields New York Jets Stats
1996Card, ToppsGlennFoley New York Jets Stats
1994Card, Pro LineGlennFoley New York Jets(RC) Stats
1998Card, UD ChoiceScottFrost New York Jets(RC) Stats
1981Card, ToppsDerrickGaffney New York Jets Stats
1978Card, ToppsClarkGaines New York Jets Stats
1983Card, ToppsMarkGastineau New York Jets Stats
2008Card, SP AuthenticVernonGholston New York Jets(RC) Stats
1968Card, ToppsCornellGordon New York Jets(RC) Stats
2006Card, Topps TotalBenGraham New York Jets Stats
1970Card, ToppsLarryGrantham New York Jets Stats
1999Card, ToppsVictorGreen New York Jets Stats
2009Card, SP AuthenticShonnGreene New York Jets(RC) Stats
2016Card, OpticChristianHackenberg New York Jets(RC) Stats
1991Card, PacificMikeHaight New York Jets(RC) Stats
2017Card, OpticChadHansen New York JetsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
2017Card, OpticChadHansen New York Jets(RC) Stats
2002Card, ScoreAlanHarper New York Jets(RC) Stats
1983Card, ToppsBruceHarper New York JetsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1978Card, ToppsBruceHarper New York Jets(RC) Stats
2007Card, ScoreDavidHarris New York Jets(RC) Stats
2007Card, Topps TotalDavidHarris New York Jets(RC) Stats
1992Card, GameDayJamesHasty New York Jets Stats
2001Card, ToppsJamieHenderson New York Jets(RC) Stats
1968Card, Topps CustomKarlHenke New York Jets Stats
1972Card, ToppsDaveHerman New York Jets Stats
1971Card, ToppsDaveHerman New York Jets(RC) Stats
2018Card, Rookies and StarsChrisHerndon New York Jets(RC) Stats
2018Card, OpticChristopherHerndon New York Jets(RC) Stats
1972Card, ToppsW.K.Hicks New York Jets Stats
1972Card, ToppsW.K.Hicks New York Jets Stats
2015Card, ContendersAustinHill New York Jets(RC) Stats
2013Card, Topps CHromeStephenHill New York Jets(RC) Stats
1973Card, ToppsWinstonHill New York JetsHOF 2020 (TRADE) Stats
1966Card, ToppsWinstonHill New York JetsHOF 2020 Stats
1974Card, ToppsWinstonHill New York JetsHOF 2020 Stats
1973Card, ToppsGusHollomon New York Jets(RC) Stats
2013Card, ToppsSantonioHolmes New York Jets Stats
2005Card, Bowmans BestCedricHouston New York Jets(RC) Stats
1974Card, ToppsDellesHowell New York Jets Stats
1974Card, ToppsBobbyHowfield New York Jets Stats
1990Card, PacificCosmoIacavazzi New York Jets Stats
1983Card, ToppsBobbyJackson New York JetsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1999Card, SP SignatureKeyshawnJohnson New York JetsKJ Stats
1997Card, Leaf 8x10KeyshawnJohnson New York Jets Stats
1999Card, SP SignatureLeonJohnson New York JetsLJ Stats
1978Card, AutoBobbyJones New York Jets Stats
1983Card, ToppsBobbyJones New York JetsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1993Card, Upper DeckMarvinJones New York JetsCHOF 2022 (RC) Stats
2006Card, ScoreBradKassell New York Jets Stats
2008Card, SP AuthenticDustinKeller New York Jets(RC) Stats
2009Card, National ChicleDustinKeller New York Jets Stats
1978Card, ToppsLarryKeller New York Jets(RC) Stats
1992Card, GameDayJoeKelly New York Jets Stats
2011Card, PlatinumJeremyKerley New York Jets(RC) Stats
2011Card, TreasuresJeremyKerley New York Jets(RC) Stats
2023Card, CertifiedJoeKlecko New York JetsHOF 2023 Stats
1978Card, ToppsJoeKlecko New York JetsHOF 2023 (RC) Stats
1964Card, ToppsJackKlotz New York Jets(RC) Stats
1975Card, ToppsDavidKnight New York Jets(RC) Stats
1975Card, ToppsWarrenKoegel New York Jets(RC) Stats
1963Card, FleerAlexKroll New York JetsCHOF 1997 (RC) Stats
1989Card, ScoreJeffLageman New York Jets(RC) Stats

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