My Autograph Card Collection

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My Autograph Card Collection (10823 and growing)
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2008Card, SP AuthenticDeMarioPressley New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2000Card, PacificWillieRoaf New Orleans SaintsHOF 2012, CHOF 2014 Stats
1973Card, ToppsTomRoussel New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1976Card, ToppsTerrySchmidt New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaBobScholtz New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1975Card, ToppsBobbyScott New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2018Card, OpticBostonScott New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1976Card, ToppsPaulSeal New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1994Card, GameDayIrvSmith New Orleans Saints Stats
2018Card, OpticTreQuanSmith New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2004Card, Upper Deck SPWillSmith New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2015Card, ContendersWillieSnead New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2003Card, UD Sweet SpotDonteStallworth New Orleans Saints Stats
1973Card, AutoHowardStevens New Orleans Saints Stats
2020Card, SpectraTommyStevens New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2013Card, CertifiedKennyStills New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2013Card, Topps PlatinumKennyStills New Orleans SaintsA-KS (RC) Stats
1975Card, AutoMikeStrachan New Orleans Saints Stats
1976Card, ToppsMikeStrachan New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1990Card, Score CustomZachStrief New Orleans Saints Stats
1992Card, GameDayPatSwilling New Orleans SaintsCHOF 2009 Stats
1992Card, Pro LinePatSwilling New Orleans SaintsCHOF 2009 Stats
1978Card, ToppsRichSzaro New Orleans Saints Stats
2013Card, Topps MagicChaseThomas New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2011Card, PrestigePierreThomas New Orleans Saints Stats
1989Card, ToppsJohnTice New Orleans Saints Stats
1984Card, ToppsRichardTodd New Orleans Saints Stats
1997Card, UD ChoiceJaredTomich New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1997Card, UD ChoiceJaredTomich New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2013Card, PrizmNickToon New Orleans Saints(RC) TRADE Stats
2012Card, Topps PlatinumNickToon New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2012Card, ContendersNickToon New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2015Card, ContendersDavisTull New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1998Card, UD ChoiceKyleTurley New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1993Card, Upper DeckRenaldoTurnbull New Orleans SaintsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1992Card, GameDayRenaldoTurnbull New Orleans Saints Stats
2021Card, Leaf DraftPaytonTurner New Orleans Saints Stats
1992Card, GameDaySteveWalsh New Orleans Saints Stats
2004Card, Bowmans BestCourtneyWatson New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1990Card, Pro SetFrankWattelet New Orleans Saints Stats
1967Card, PersonalJoeWendryhoski New Orleans Saints Stats
1984Card, ToppsJimWilks New Orleans Saints Stats
2015Card, ContendersP.J.Williams New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
2000Card, AutographicsRickyWilliams New Orleans SaintsHeisman 1998, CHOF 2015 Stats
2011Card, TreasuresMartezWilson New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1997Card, Leaf 8x10DannyWuerffel New Orleans SaintsHeisman 1996, CHOF 2013 (RC) Stats
1973Card, ToppsDougWyatt New Orleans Saints(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsEmanuelZanders New Orleans Saints Stats
2006Card, AFLAndyKelly New Orleans Voodoo Info
2005Card, AFLLamontMoore New Orleans Voodoo Info
2006Card, AFLJoshWhite New York Dragons Info
1955Card, BowmanBenAgajanian New York Giants(RC) Stats
1987Card, ToppsRaulAllegre New York Giants Stats
2001Card, SAGEWillAllen New York Giants Stats
2011Card, ContendersPrinceAmukamara New York Giants(RC) Stats
2011Card, TreasuresPrinceAmukamara New York Giants(RC) Stats
1991Card, Pro SetOttisAnderson New York Giants Stats
2016Card, CustomEliApple New York GiantsChanged name from Woodard Stats
2016Card, OpticEliApple New York Giants(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsTroyArcher New York Giants Stats
2000Card, PacificJesseArmstead New York Giants Stats
2023Card, Select SIGJessieArmstead New York GiantsJAR Stats
1972Card, ToppsPeteAthas New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1993Card, Stadium ClubCarltonBailey New York Giants  
1989Card, ToppsStephenBaker New York Giants(RC) Stats
1992Card, GameDayCarlBanks New York Giants Stats
2023Card, Select RSIDeonteBanks New York GiantsDBA (RC) Stats
2003Card, Fleer TraditionTikiBarber New York Giants Stats
1997Card, Leaf 8x10TikiBarber New York Giants(RC) Stats
2009Card, SP AuthenticRamsesBarden New York Giants(RC) Stats
2010Card, Topps MagicRamsesBarden New York Giants Stats
1959Card, ToppsAlBarry New York Giants(RC) Stats
1989Card, Pro SetMarkBavaro New York Giants Stats
2014Card, Topps PlatinumOdellBeckham Jr New York Giants(RC) Stats
2009Card, SP AuthenticTravisBeckum New York Giants(RC) Stats
2009Card, National ChicleTravisBeckum New York Giants(RC) Stats
1999Card, Collectors EdgeSeanBennett New York Giants Stats
1987Card, ToppsBradBenson New York Giants Stats
1984Card, Topps CustomChaseBlackburn New York Giants Stats
2009Card, SP AuthenticRhettBomar New York Giants(RC) Stats
2011Card, ToppsKevinBoss New York Giants Stats
2007Card, SP AuthenticKevinBoss New York Giants(RC) Stats
2007Card, SP AuthenticAhmadBradshaw New York Giants(RC) Stats
1993Card, GameDayMichaelBrooks New York Giants(RC) Stats
2009Card, SP AuthenticAndreBrown New York Giants(RC) Stats
2009Card, National ChicleAndreBrown New York Giants(RC) Stats
1997Card, Leaf 8x10DaveBrown New York Giants Stats
1992Card, ClassicDaveBrown New York Giants(RC) Stats
1993Card, SkyboxDerekBrown New York Giants Stats
1992Card, GameDayDerekBrown New York Giants(RC) Stats
1999Card, SP SignatureGaryBrown New York GiantsGB Stats
1958Card, ToppsRooseveltBrown New York GiantsHOF 1975 Stats
1989Card, SwellRooseveltBrown New York GiantsHOF 1975 Stats
2005Card, HOF SeriesRooseveltBrown New York GiantsHOF 1975 Stats
1982Card, ToppsScottBrunner New York Giants Stats
1978Card, ToppsBillBryant New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1978Card, ToppsBillBryant New York Giants(RC) Stats
1993Card, GameDayMarcusBuckley New York Giants(RC) Stats
1993Card, GameDayJarrodBunch New York Giants Stats
1989Card, ToppsJimBurt New York Giants Stats
1961Card, Nu-CardKenByers New York Giants Stats
1996Card, SkyboxChrisCalloway New York Giants Stats
1999Card, SP SignatureChrisCalloway New York GiantsCY Stats
1991Card, ScoreJesseCampbell New York Giants(RC) Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaHenryCarr New York Giants(RC) Stats
1988Card, ToppsHarryCarson New York GiantsHOF 2006, CHOF 2002 Stats
1978Card, ToppsHarryCarson New York GiantsHOF 2006, CHOF 2002 Stats
1990Card, ToppsMauriceCarthon New York Giants Stats
1969Card, ToppsPeteCase New York Giants Stats
1958Card, ToppsDonChandler New York Giants(RC) Stats
1959Card, ToppsDonChandler New York Giants(RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsKarlChandler New York Giants Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaClarenceChilds New York Giants Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaClarenceChilds New York Giants Stats
1967Card, PhiladelphiaMikeCiccolella New York Giants Stats
1980Card, ToppsJimClack New York Giants Stats
2000Card, AutographicsKerryCollins New York GiantsCHOF 2018 Stats
2015Card, CustomLandonCollins New York Giants Stats
2015Card, ContendersLandonCollins New York Giants(RC) Stats
1993Card, UltraMarkCollins New York Giants Stats
2001Card, PacificGregComella New York Giants Stats
1954Card, BowmanCharleyConerly New York GiantsCHOF 1966 Stats
1958Card, ToppsCharlieConerly New York GiantsCHOF 1966 Stats
2018Card, ToppsTomCoughlin New York GiantsCoach Info
1982Card, Fleer StickerTexCoulter New York Giants Stats
1993Card, GameDayHowardCross New York Giants Stats
1978Card, ToppsLarryCsonka New York GiantsHOF 1987, CHOF 1989 Stats
1978Card, ToppsJoeDanelo New York Giants Stats
2015Card, ContendersGeremyDavis New York Giants(RC) Stats
2000Card, Bowmans BestRonDayne New York GiantsHeisman 1999, CHOF 2013 (RC) Stats
1979Card, ToppsRandyDean New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1992Card, Upper DeckSteveDeOssie New York Giants Stats
1964Card, PhiladelphiaDarrellDess New York Giants Stats
2023Card, Draft CustomTommyDeVito New York Giants Stats
2023Card, Select RSMTommyDeVito New York GiantsRD (RC) Stats
2000Card, Rookies & StarsRonDixon New York Giants(RC) Stats
1953Card, BowmanDwayneDouglas New York Giants(RC) Info
1990Card, ScoreDaveDuerson New York Giants Stats
1972Card, ToppsBobbyDuhon New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1972Card, ToppsBobbyDuhon New York Giants(RC) Stats
1994Card, Pro LineJohnElliot "Jumbo" New York GiantsCHOF 2020 Stats
1991Card, Upper DeckJumboElliott New York GiantsCHOF 2020 Stats
1997Card, PacificPercyEllsworth New York Giants(RC) Stats
2004Card, Topps TotalCarlosEmmons New York Giants Stats
1973Card, ToppsDickEnderle New York Giants Stats
2017Card, OpticEvanEngram New York Giants(RC) Stats
1972Card, ToppsChrisFarasopoulos New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
2000Card, TraditionJimFassel New York GiantsCoach Info
1973Card, ToppsJimFiles New York Giants(RC) Stats
1958Card, ToppsGeneFilipski New York Giants(RC) Stats
2015Card, ContendersEreckFlowers New York Giants(RC) Stats
1973Card, ToppsRichmondFlowers New York Giants(RC) Stats
1992Card, GameDayMikeFox New York Giants Stats
2005Card, Bowmans BestCharlesFrederick New York Giants(RC) Stats
1969Card, ToppsTuckerFrederickson New York GiantsCHOF 1994 Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaTuckerFrederickson New York GiantsCHOF 1994 (RC) Stats
2017Card, OpticWayneGallman New York Giants(RC) Stats
2000Card, AutographicsJasonGarrett New York Giants Stats
2015Card, Hand PrintFrankGifford New York GiantsHOF 1977, CHOF 1975 Stats
1988Card, SwellFrankGifford New York GiantsHOF 1977, CHOF 1975 Stats
1958Card, ToppsFrankGifford New York GiantsHOF 1977, CHOF 1975 Stats
1975Card, ToppsWalkerGillette New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1977Card, ToppsWalkerGillette New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1996Card, ToppsVencieGlenn New York Giants Stats
2008Card, SP AuthenticJonathanGoff New York Giants(RC) Stats
1969Card, ToppsPeteGogolak New York Giants Stats
1974Card, ToppsDanGoich New York Giants(On back) (RC) Stats
1978Card, ToppsJerryGolsteyn New York Giants(RC) Stats
1995Card, ToppsScottGragg New York Giants(RC) Stats
1994Card, CourtsideKentGraham New York Giants Stats
1978Card, Topps CustomGordonGravelle New York Giants Stats
1981Card, ToppsEarnestGray New York Giants Stats
1978Card, ToppsJackGregory New York Giants Stats
2004Card, Topps TotalNickGreisen New York Giants Stats
1972Card, ToppsBobGrim New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1974Card, ToppsBobGrim New York Giants Stats
1990Card, Pro KidsLeeGrosscup New York Giants Stats
1991Card, Pro SetMyronGuyton New York Giants Stats
1984Card, ToppsAliHaji~Sheikh New York Giants(RC) Stats
2008Card, SP AuthenticD.J.Hall New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1995Card, UD ChoiceKeithHamilton New York Giants Stats
1978Card, ToppsBobbyHammond New York Giants(RC) Stats
2023Card, Select SIGRodneyHampton New York GiantsRHA Stats
1997Card, Leaf 8x10RodneyHampton New York Giants Stats
1991Card, FleerRodneyHampton New York Giants Stats
1991Card, Pro LineRayHandley New York Giants Info
2013Card, Topps PlatinumJohnathanHankins New York GiantsA-JHA (RC) Stats
1969Card, ToppsCharlieHarper New York Giants Stats
1983Card, ToppsMarkHaynes New York GiantsEXTRA FOR TRADEStats
1981Card, ToppsLarryHeater New York Giants(RC) Stats
1970Card, ToppsRalphHeck New York Giants Stats
1988Card, SwellMelHein New York GiantsHOF 1963, CHOF 1954 Stats
1958Card, ToppsDonHeinrich New York GiantsCHOF 1987 Stats
2011Card, ContendersMarkHerzlich New York Giants(RC) Stats
1997Card, Leaf 8x10IkeHillard New York Giants Stats
1966Card, PhiladelphiaJerryHillebrand New York Giants Stats
1997Card, Pro LineIkeHilliard New York Giants(RC) Stats
1953Card, BowmanMerwinHodel New York Giants(RC) Stats
1972Card, ToppsRonHornsby New York Giants(RC) Stats
1992Card, Pro LineJeffHostetler New York Giants Stats

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